
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bible Literacy Crisis! (And What You Can Do About It in 2020)

You may recall the 2012 news story about a 17-year-old girl who collapsed at work with a swollen tongue. Turns out she’d eaten almost nothing but McDonald’s chicken nuggets her entire life. No fruits. No vegetables. Just deep-fried chicken. She learned it the hard way: man doesn’t live by breaded nuggets alone.

Scripture says something similar about our relationship to God’s Word. We’re more than just physical beings designed to live off fruits and vegetables and the occasional chicken nugget. We’re also spiritual beings, designed to live off of “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4; Deut. 8:3). This means if we neglect the Bible, the aforementioned story of malnourishment can become an enacted parable of our spiritual condition.

And yet it’s astonishing how spiritually malnourished we can be amid such an abundance of biblical availability. For most of God’s people throughout history, hearing God’s Word was literally the only means of access. It’s not as though each individual Hebrew in the desert had his own personal scroll. We, on the other hand, have print Bibles and e-Bibles. Bibles on our phones and Bibles on our shelves. Bibles in dozens of good English translations and specialized study Bibles—all at our fingertips.

Are we any better for it? Has our knowledge of and commitment to reading the Bible kept pace with this increased availability? Read More

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