
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Can We Speed Up the Return of Jesus

Like everyone else, U.S. Protestant pastors may be closely watching the recent events related to Iran, but probably not because they think it has anything to do with the return of Christ.

Pastors are more than three times as likely to believe Christians can speed up the return of Christ by the spread of their faith than by backing certain geo-political changes, according to a new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research.

“While Scripture specifically says we cannot know the day or the hour of Jesus Christ’s return, we were interested in pastors’ views on whether Christians can play a role in bringing about that return any sooner,” explained Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. Read More

Also See:
Most Pastors Say Middle East Politics Won’t Speed Up the Second Coming
A group of evangelical and charismatic pastors, however, do believe that we can hasten the second coming of Jesus by stoking the regional conflicts in the Mid-East and precipitating the final battle of Armegeddon

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