
Saturday, February 22, 2020

3 Things Guaranteed to Happen When God Calls You

Have you ever been called by God?

Dr. Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary, has written an incredibly helpful book on this subject titled, Is God Calling Me? Answering the Question Every Believer Asks. In the book, he explains that a call is a profound impression from God, one that often comes with life-altering ramifications.

Iorg helps unpack this by demonstrating there are three main ways God makes His calling known and clear.

Some people have a sudden, dramatic experience or undergo some sort of crisis. You might think of Peter being called away from his fishing nets to follow Jesus or Paul’s blinding conversion that caused him to go from being a religious terrorist to a Christian missionary.

Other people, like famed apologist and author C.S. Lewis, come to recognize a calling through reasoned decision-making and contemplation. Others discover God’s calling through the prompting of people in community.

Regardless of how God reveals His will, here are three things guaranteed to accompany His calling on your life. Read More

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