
Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday's Catch: Fasting, Unhealthy Giving, and More

How To Fast For Lent

Lent would be a great time to experiment with fasting, but it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into! So we’ve written up a few pointers on how to fast for Lent (or any other time). Read More

Five Types of Unhealthy Giving to a Church

Some types of financial or other gifts can actually hurt a church. Here are five of the most common examples, recognizing that some of them can overlap. Read More
My former vicar, later rector, was unable to turn down a gift. As a consequence we had a church attic filled with white elephants. One church donated its old, damaged, and stained Prayer Books. They should have been thrown away. We were a new church plant seeking to establish a positive image for ourselves in the community, make a good impression with visitors, and to attract new members. This particular gift was not something that would help us reach these goals.
Death Of The Dinner Party?

This could be yet another symptom of our loneliness epidemic. Read More
Instead of bringing people together, today's culture is separating and isolating people from each other. Eating alone has become common place.
In Praise of Unfussy Hospitality

Biblical hospitality isn’t about the impressive menu or Pinterest-perfect table settings. It’s about making people feel welcome. Read More

Social Media and the Loss of “Serendipitous Learning”

In theory, social media engagement should make it easier for us to come across different perspectives, but in practice, it leads us to “cordon ourselves off into hermetically sealed bubbles filled with only the exposures and experiences we select–or those that various clever algorithms serve up for us.” Read More

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