
Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday's Catch: Emerging from the Church World Cocoon and More

13 Ways to Get Outside the Christian Bubble

Because I continually talk with believers who are cocooned in the church world, I’m updating and re-posting these thoughts about how to get out of the Christian bubble (and, if you’re not sure about whether you’re in the bubble, you might check out this post about signs we’re in the bubble). I hope some of these suggestions are helpful to you.... Read More

The Missing American Revival

Culture will not primarily be changed by Instagram influencers posting inspirational thoughts to the masses, but by faithful followers having conversations with their friends and neighbors. Read More

What’s the Earliest Evidence for Christianity? (The Answer May Surprise You)

What is the earliest historical evidence for Christianity? Read More

Mary Magdalene: 5 Things You Should Know

That Mary Magdalene was a prostitute is just one of the many depictions of her put forward over the centuries. She has also been made out to be the seductress of Jesus (for instance the film “The Last Temptation of Christ”), Jesus’s wife (a myth debunked by Duke scholar Mark Goodacre – see note below), or a promiscuous woman. None of these claims are supported by the biblical texts. Read More

You’re Called to Ministry … But You’re Not Called to Every Ministry

While all Christians are called to evangelize, give, serve, and pray (among other spiritual gifts), we are not all called to everything equally or gifted equally for them. Not everything that comes from heaven has your name on it. But something does. Read More

Five Family-Friendly Resources for Lent

What does it mean to teach our children about lament, fasting, and mortality? These books, apps, and flashcards can help. Read More

Democratic Christians Weigh Their Primary Concerns

The presidential contenders are wooing religious voters. How do the faithful make sure God isn't a political prop? Read More

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