
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #58

Brothers, Preach Your Heart Out — No Matter How Few People Are in the Room

“God’s job is to worry about the number of sheep. Your job is to feed the sheep.” Read More

Preaching by Fireside [Podcast]

Kyle and Matt welcomed Dusty Marshall to the show again, but this time for a fireside chat about preaching. What's it like preaching to 6 people? What's it like preaching to those we don't know? We answer those questions and more on this episode that is, quite literally, LIT. Listen Now

Take Your Shot: Preaching in a Liturgical Context

Preachers can learn a few things from the example of precision shooters. In fact, preachers and marksmen have at least two things in common. First, both preachers and marksmen need a thorough understanding of the specific context in which they operate. Second, they both need to make calculated adjustments if they are going to hit their intended targets. Read More

Skeletons In The Pulpit And Cadavers In The Pews

Alone, catchy points on sermon outlines cannot move people any more than a skeleton will move with no meat on its bones. Read More

3 Questions To Ask Before Any Sermon

Whether listen to a sermon, or preaching one, Tony Reinke's three questions are vital. Read More

How to Use Stories to Upgrade Your Sermons

Great stories! They can make or break a sermon. Read More

6 Important Rules For Using Quotes In Your Sermon

Eric McKiddle wants to save you from some misunderstand--and a lot of potential grief. Read More

Finally! A Definitive Answer To 'how Long Should I Preach?'

After 35 years of pulpit ministry, Hershael York gives us the answer! Read More

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