
Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday's Catch: The Importance of Screening and More

Due to recurring internet outages in my area and a malfunctioning modem I will not be posting Saturday Lagniappe this weekend. I apologize for any inconvenience that I may cause my readers.

The Screening Process That Protects Your Children and Church

The screening process for paid staff, a volunteer, or a leadership position is a vital piece of your church’s overall safety plan and includes seven key elements. The screening process functions as a deterrent for would-be offenders, eliminates easy access to children, and brings to the surface need-to-know information about a person’s character, commitment, and history working with children and youth. Read More

Revitalization, Part Two

When renewal isn’t enough. Read More

Revitalization, Part Three

Leadership in church revitalization. Read More

3 Ways the Devil Tempts the American Church

If we’re not careful, we’ll be fooled by the schemes of the Devil. Read More

How to Respond When Church Members Hold Key Leadership Positions but Don't Attend Faithfully [Podcast]

The issue at hand is sensitive, but we want to provide clarity on best practices. How do you respond to key leaders who don’t attend church faithfully? Listen Now

The 9 Greatest Concerns Pastors Have for Their Church

Pastors and church leaders face a litany of issues and problems within their congregations and outside the church. But what are the top concerns of the average pastor? Read More

Could A 10-Minute Sermon Work?

It's not about length, is it? "I want my pastors to know they can preach for 10 or 60 minutes." Read More

The Danger of Teaching Information Without Application

I believe the number one problem with preaching in America is its lack of application. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. As a result, people often walk out of worship services with their lives unchanged. Read More

3 Questions to Ask about Multiethnic Worship Gatherings

Rather than suggesting how to have a multiethnic worship gathering, though, I think it’ll be more helpful to raise some questions to ask as our ministry contexts become increasingly diverse. Read More

The Most Unsung Discipleship Tool in Our Churches

We are not called to make music—we are called to make disciples. Read More

My Husband Is Deconstructing His Faith. How Do I Journey with Him?

This Valentine’s Day, some of us are called to love unbelieving wives and husbands. Read More

Want to Defend the Faith? Tell a Story.

Is there more to defending the faith than merely appealing to reasoned justifications? Read More

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