
Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday's Catch: "Seven Differences Between Your Church and a Cafeteria" and More

Seven Differences Between Your Church and a Cafeteria

Thom Rainer identifies seven differences between a church and a cafeteria. What is your church? Read More

The Slippery Slope of Families Not Attending Church Consistently

There is a trend happening in churches. Families are attending church less frequently. In most cases, families that used to attend twice a month are now attending once a month. Families that used to come once a month are now only showing up at Christmas and Easter. There are many reasons why this is happening. Here are a few key ones.... Read More

9 Things You Should Know About Family Structure

Here are nine things you should know about family structure. Read More

The Satanic Doctrine of a Wrathless Cross

The cross is not only about wrath, of course, but if we lose this vital aspect of Christ’s atoning work, we lose the very heart of the good news. Read More

Gospel Proclamation within Secularity

(Or, The Art of Church Planting Preaching) Part 1 Read More

How to Improve Your Preaching

Kevin DeYoung offers eleven questions he's been asking myself as he thinks about improving as a preacher. He doesn't use these questions as any kind of weekly checklist, but they are they are the sorts of things rattling through his head and heart. Read More

Jesus’s Only Bible: 7 Tips for Preaching the Old Testament

If we’re convinced that Jesus’s only Bible is still important for Christians, how should we think about the intimidating task of preaching from the Old Testament? Here are seven tips for aspiring Old Testament preachers. Read More

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