
Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday's Catch: A Lesson from Creation and More

How the Forest Inspired Me to Stay in Church

Church failures uproot congregations. But we're reminded by ecology that strength is found in community connection. Read More

5 Trends Redefining the Relationship between Americans and the Church

As part of their State of the Church 2020, Barna calls out five statistical trends that are vital for church leaders to recognize moving into the future. Read More

6 People at Risk of Leaving Your Church

Sometimes what we focus on as a church has unintended consequences, like making groups of people feel unwanted. Read More

3 Ways Busyness Hurts People and Churches

There was a famous research experiment conducted by two Princeton psychology professors that shows the harm busyness does to our priorities and our focus. Because the experiment was conducted on seminary students, it is very applicable to ministry leaders and churches. Read More

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