
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Modern-Day Challenges to Evangelism and More

Evangelism Formation: Three Major Challenges to Our Evangelism Today

As we enter into 2020, challenges to evangelism continue to rise. We need to face them to help us prioritize the spread of the gospel. Read More

When Is It Time to Walk Away from a Revitalization Effort? [Podcast]

Thom Rainer and Kevin Ezell discuss how to recognize when it is time to walk away from a revitalization effort. Listen Now

What Must Ben Shapiro Do to Be Saved?

Does a person need to put their faith in Jesus to be saved? Read More

2 Compelling Reasons to Observe Lent

To say it simply, the liturgical year was developed as a way to help the spiritual formation of Christians. How does it do that? Read More
I am posting this article because Glen Packiam does make a convincing case for observing Lent. However, I found a number of problem areas in the article. Packiam did not check some of his facts. For example, it was Thomas Cranmer, not Oliver Cranmer, who composed many of the prayers and other liturgical texts in the first and second Prayer Books of King Edward VI. He also does not identify which "Anglican Book of Common Prayer" to which he is referring. The link leads to a error message, "This page can’t be found." The Litany of Penitence is found in the Episcopal Church's 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The older Prayer Books contain the commintations which are declarations of God's curse on various categories of evil doers.
Songs for an Ash Wednesday Service

This Wednesday begins the season of Lent—the season of the church year when we prepare for Easter. I thought it might be helpful for me to share the Ash Wednesday songs I picked for our evening service. Read More

3 Reasons to Visit an Elderly Person Soon

Each one of us can do something simple to help an elderly person. We can visit. Read More

10 Needed Commitments from Bible Study Leaders

I am surprised how little attention churches give to securing Bible study leaders and holding them accountable. Below are ten covenant commitments I would want them to affirm as they serve in the local church.... Read More

Don’t Compartmentalize Your Christianity

Sadly, many people who call themselves Christians live functionally compartmentalized lives. Whether they realize it or not, they have divided their lives neatly into two drawers: real life and spiritual life. Read More
This has become a serious problem in the United States and accounts in part for the diminished influence of Christianity and non-Christians' negative view of Christians.

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