
Saturday, February 08, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Church or Country Club?

Your Church Might Be A Country Club If... (Part 2)

Viewing the church or behaving as if the church is a country club distorts both the identity and the mission of the church. Read More

7 Ways We Put a Not Welcome Sign on Our Church

From personal experience – here are some ways you can place a closed sign to visitors on your church. Read More

3 Helpful Insights to Cultivate a Spirit of Hospitality

Great hospitality isn’t a strategy, it’s part of a lifestyle. Read More

9 Ways to Teach Theology in the Local Church

Evangelicals know that theology matters, and we’re quick to remind others of this fact. What we’re not so quick to acknowledge is the focus of this blogpost: we do a poor job of teaching the very theology we claim is so important. Consider these steps for teaching theology in your church.... Read More

God Works Within Us and Beyond Us

It’s surprisingly hard to remember that “our” ministry is actually God’s doing. Read More

So, What Did Jesus Think about the Old Testament?

Here are three things that Jesus believed about the Old Testament.... Read More

One of the Most Overlooked Reasons Why We Should Trust the Bible

When deciding what to believe about the Bible, who should we listen to? Read More

3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church

What is it that sets apart the kids who stay in the church? Read More

Free Tech for Small Churches

There is tech for small churches without spending a penny. Read More

A Plea for Meekness

I believe the Christ-centered trait evangelicals most need in the political arena (and on social media) in 2020 is meekness. Let me explain. Read More

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