
Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday's Catch: "3 Advantages to Leading a Small Church" and more

3 Advantages to Leading a Small Church

Serving in a small context comes with a few advantages. Read More

Five Cultural Trends Killing the Church’s Mission

There are forces and trends at work in our society that are killing local churches. Read More

Why the “Nothing in Particulars” May Be the Most Gospel-Ready Audience

Those among the Nothing in Particular group are unlikely to pursue the church to reclaim some kind of religious memory – there is normally little history to recall. Read More

Pizza & Coke for Communion?

Have you ever thought of these provocative variables in the form and substance of the Lord’s Supper.... Read More

When the Church Apologizes for Its Beliefs

In recent years, it’s become commonplace to see Christian leaders take an apologetic stand on a controversial issue. Not apologetic in the “defend the faith” sense of the word, but “apologetic” as if to say, I wish this was different, but here’s what we believe. Read More

9 Lessons Young Worship Leaders Need to Learn

There are 9 key lessons young worship leaders need to learn. Read More

How Churches Deal with the Challenge of Latecomers to Worship Services

Outside of locking people out, how have churches responded to this challenge? Read More

The Underrated Potential of One-to-One Bible Reading

In my experience of local-church ministry, I have found a simple activity that, by God’s grace, encourages us to read our Bibles, pursue evangelism, and engage in discipleship. It’s called one-to-one Bible reading. Read More

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