
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Religious Persecution in India and More

Trump’s Praise for Modi on India’s ‘Incredible’ Religious Freedom Doesn’t Match Our Research

The Evangelical Fellowship of India documents 300-plus cases of Christian persecution by Hindu nationalists each year. Muslims have it even worse. Read More

Coronavirus, Christians, and a Christ-Centered Response

How we respond in times when we feel powerless may offer a greater opportunity for growth for us and to witness to others. Read More

Korean Churches Close for First Time as Coronavirus Cases Hit 2,300

More than 1 million ask government to ban apocalyptic Christian sect linked to half of infections. Read More

Secular Monks

For a secular monk, the only knowable pursuits are human pursuits, the only genuine aims human aims. A secular monk is “secular” in the sense that his cares and his projects are delimited by his day and his world. He can conceive of nothing else. Read More

Barna Study: This Is How Americans Feel About Going to Church

A new Barna study highlights the current attitudes Americans have toward attending church services. Notable trends found by Barna Group’s “State of the Church” project include that church hopping is increasing, church membership is declining among younger attendees, and people’s mixed perceptions of the church are calling its relevance into question. Among the study’s encouraging findings were that there are multiple spiritual benefits of church membership and that many churchgoers said they enjoyed attending church. Read More

10 Best Practices For Worship Sound Techs

Perhaps no technical leader faces more challenges on any given Sunday morning than the Sound Tech. With demands from every side, opinions aplenty, an ear to the Pastor (the real head Sound Tech), an ear to the worship leader/band, and an ear to the Holy Spirit, this role requires a saint, a sound technician, and a servant – all wrapped up in one. Gleaned from some of the most skilled and great-hearted Worship Sound Techs I know, here are 10 Best Practices For Worship Sound Techs. Read More

Looking Down On Others in Our Christian Subcultures

There is a lot of looking down on others in our culture. A few minutes on social media makes this very clear. Sadly, this is even true in our Christian subcultures. Read More

Why are Christians so Mean?

Dallas Willard was once asked, “Why are Christians so mean?” His answer was up to the task. He said that Christians are mean in proportion to when they value being “right” over being “like Christ.” Read More

How Do I Evangelize in Word and Deed? [Podcast]

Ligon Duncan begins the conversation by sharing his and David Platt’s shared belief in the primacy of the Word just as God speaks and brings his people into being. Watch Now

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