
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Beware the Complacency of Eternal Security and More

"Aslan is on the move...."
Beware the Complacency of “Once Saved, Always Saved”

We have two seemingly contradictory truths: On the one hand, the Bible says that once God saves you, you’ll always be saved; on the other, it says that only if you endure to the end will you be saved. You have to put the two together. Read More

10 Flavors of Works-Based Salvation

By nature and by training we all seek solutions to our problem of sin. To varying degrees, these solutions include doing something—law keeping, good works, etc—to please or appease or satisfy the God who is one day going to judge us. The idea of contributing to one’s own salvation is universal. It’s the engine which propels every religion. Read More

God Wants You Holy

If there is a command in Scripture guaranteed to offend the modern mind and set off a stubborn inner resistance that is dead-set on holding its ground and giving up nothing, it’s this: Be holy. Read More

Not All Sins Are the Same

Why hell will be worse for some. Read More

4 Primary Tasks for the Shepherd-Planter

Church-planting pastors aren’t just planters; we’re shepherds, too. We’re charged with the faithful care of our flocks. We take our cues from Jesus, the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11). Read More

7 Lazy Habits That Will Sink Your Ministry

Ministry is one of the best places to hide—if you’re lazy. There are several reasons for this.... Read More

10 Children's Ministry Issues

As my church consulting team does congregational interviews, we often hear concerns about children’s ministries. Listed in no particular order, here are the most common concerns we hear.... Read More

9 Problems in Children's Ministries in the Local Church

Chuck Lawless identifies some more weak areas of children's ministries in some churches. Read More

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