
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: A Missional Strategy for Churches in the 21st Century and More

There is a Balm in Gilead: A Missional Strategy for Churches in the 21st Century

What is the church to do in such a tumultuous climate of rapid change? Read More

Yes...Your Church Can Reach Millennials

In spite of what you read about them, you can reach Millennials. Read More

8 Ways to Reach Single Adults through Your Church

Chuck Lawless offers a number of suggestions for reaching this group in your community. Read More

8 Reasons Why Your Church Needs to Connect with the Nearest College or University

I don’t know your church’s location, but I suspect that it may be within driving distance of a college or university campus. If so, your congregation needs to connect with that campus. Here’s why.... Read More

Ten Ways to Make Outsiders Become Insiders in Your Church

Every church has a “force field” that keeps guests and seekers out. By “force field” I mean “shields”, as when Captain Kirk in Star Trek says, “Shields up!” Some churches want to keep people out. Most churches do not. Most churches want to attract Christians looking for a new church, and non-Christians curious about the Christian faith. Read More

7 Questions to Ask When Starting a Church Planting Network

What it takes to start and sustain a church planting movement. Read More

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