
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Developing Leaders in a Brain Drain Community and More

Developing Leaders in a Brain Drain Community: Demographic Realities & Church Leadership Roles

Identifying, equipping, and releasing leaders is critical to church health and growth. Read More

3 Tips for Dealing with Death in Your Ministry

Here are some tips to effectively minister to those walking through mourning and even who are dying. Read More

Three Unreasonable Expectations Pastors Have of Their Churches

Good church leaders expect more of their churches. However, in this post I want to address unreasonable expectations pastors have of their churches. Read More

Why Train Women to Teach the Bible? [Podcast]

Taylor Turkington begins the conversation by highlighting that both men and women in the church can have the gift of teaching the Bible, and because of this, it is important to equip them—just like all the saints should be equipped for the work of the ministry as described in Ephesians 4:12-14. Listen Now

Bringing our Children to the Table

Since the practice of the Lord’s Supper has regained something of a focused treatment online in recent days, I thought it might be advantageous to focus on another important aspect of the Lord’s Supper–namely, how and when is it appropriate for children to receive communion? In doctrinally serious churches, welcoming the children of believers to the Lord’s Supper is one of the most important elements of the life of the church. It is also one of the most difficult and widely debated matters. Read More
This article is a slightly edited version of a post first published at the Christward Collective in October of 2017.
No Social-Media Algorithm Rewards Grace

Managing social media for a large Christian organization, I see Christians shine the bright light of the gospel and mercilessly eviscerate others online every single day. I fear many of us have fallen into feedback loops created by algorithms intended to generate engagement, and have lost sight of our calling to be known by our mutual love (John 13:34–35). Read More

Supporting Discipleship Teams

No matter how the church is structured, there are a few things that a church can do to help those discipleship leaders keep a church-wide focus on making disciples. Read More

Polyamory: Pastors’ Next Sexual Frontier

These once-taboo relationships are showing up in churches across the US. Read More

4 Steps to Take When Yesterday's Sins Haunt You

Maybe you’ve been there. The accuser of the brothers and sisters (Rev 12:10) pounds at you because of yesterday’s sin, and you struggle living in freedom. Maybe these steps will help you.... Read More

The FAQs: Is Freemasonry Compatible with Christianity?

Over the past few years, I’ve received numerous requests to address the issue of Freemasonry and Christianity. While this is not intended to be comprehensive analysis or explanation, my hope is that it will be sufficient to help followers of Jesus determine for themselves if these two systems of belief and ritual—Freemasonry and Christianity—are compatible. Read More

Coronavirus Fears Mean We Need More Communion, Not Less

A pastor and former CDC medical officer considers the outbreak’s real threats to churches. Read More

This Is How Asian Churches Are Preventing the Spread of Covid-19

Asian churches are altering their normal worship services and meeting schedules to take precaution against spreading the coronavirus, now known as Covid-19. Churches in China have been ordered closed since January 29th, while churches in other Asian countries are implementing precautionary measures in the hopes of containing the virus. Read More

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