
Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 and You

What to do if you think you have coronavirus symptoms

If you have severe breathing problems, you should get help immediately. Read More

Almost half of coronavirus patients have digestive symptoms, study finds

Diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are the main complaint in nearly half of coronavirus patients, Chinese researchers report. Most patients with the coronavirus have respiratory symptoms, but these findings from the early stages of the outbreak show that digestive problems are prevalent in many patients with COVID-19. Read More

What does the coronavirus do to your body? Everything to know about the infection process

A visual guide of coronavirus infection, symptoms of COVID-19 and the effects of the virus inside the body, in graphics. Read More

Yes, Young People Are Falling Seriously Ill From Covid-19

New evidence from Europe and the U.S. suggests that younger adults aren’t as impervious to the novel coronavirus that’s circulating worldwide as originally thought. Read More

Coronavirus information: What should I do?

Public health experts have been giving out lots of advice to try to stop the spread of the virus. Read More
If you live in the United States and you or a member of your household develops the more acute symptoms of coronavirus such as difficulty breathing follow the advice given in the article."What to do if you think you have coronavirus symptoms." Canadians may want to contact their local health authorities for what steps they should take in the event they or a member of their household develops these symptoms.
Coronavirus: When elderly parents want to carry on socialising

Many people have elderly parents, grandparents or neighbours who are part of the older demographic hit hardest by coronavirus. But what if they prefer to ignore the risks and don't want to stay in? Read More

Coronavirus: Keep it simple, stick to facts - how parents should tell kids

With the number of coronavirus patients rising around the world, children are being exposed to information and misinformation from many sources. How can parents best keep them up to date without terrifying them? Read More

Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health

Coronavirus has plunged the world into uncertainty and the constant news about the pandemic can feel relentless. All of this is taking its toll on people's mental health, particularly those already living with conditions like anxiety and OCD. So how can we protect our mental health? Read More

Why do we binge-watch (and is it actually good for us)? [Video]

What makes us binge-watch shows like Killing Eve or Game of Thrones? And is it a problem - or could it actually be good for us? Watch Now

Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads

Levels of air pollutants and warming gases over some cities and regions are showing significant drops as coronavirus impacts work and travel. Read More

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