
Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday's Catch: 'An Audience of One' and More

Take Heart, Pastor. Your Church Won’t Be Empty Sunday.

I’m thankful for modern technology that can make possible a broadcasted service. And I don’t resent the government for the restrictions and mandates they’ve put in place for public gatherings. This is for our health and safety, and complying with such directives is one of the ways we can obey the second greatest commandment. Read More

Ramping Up Digital Outreach During the Outbreak

How to turn the obstacles presented by the coronavirus into ministry opportunities. Read More

Can You Livestream from Your Church in a Locked-Down Location?

Yes, the HHS says you are essential personnel-- so let’s act like it. Read More

Tips for Speaking to a Camera vs. a Full Sanctuary

Some things to consider as you livestream your sermons. Read More

Churches Find Ways to Serve Even in Unprecedented Circumstances

The needs of communities around the U.S. have been growing in midst of the COVID-19 global crisis. With many families unable to maintain proper childcare in light of schools shutting down, college students without a place to live and insecure communities without essential household items, churches are stepping in to bring practical aid. Read More

A Megachurch Has Nearly 1,000 People Tested for Coronavirus in Two Days

On Sunday, Alabama’s largest church stopped its in-person worship services. By Tuesday, it started hosting drive-through coronavirus tests in one of its parking lots. Read More

9 Ways to Love Your Neighbor in This Pandemic

Our salvation means that the curse of the inward curve of sin is broken, and we are now free to turn outward—to love God and neighbor. Read More

How To Make the Most of Lockdown (Tips from Christians in Italy)

Pastor Clay Kanard who pastors a church in Rome, Italy, offers tips on how to live in near or total lockdown. His tips may be especially helpful for families. Read More

When Loneliness Meets Self-Isolation

In light of being faced with the inevitable social distancing and self-isolation due to COVID-19 and intermingling with the already lonely condition of our world, we would be wise to be mindful of the risks and potential rewards during this indefinite amount of time. Read More

The Case for Sheltering in Place Without Screens

Our lives have gotten smaller. We can also make them simpler. Read More

Free Ebook: Prayer by John Onwuchekwa

Click on a link below to download a free digital copy of Prayer: How Praying Together Shapes the Church by John Onwuchekwa.... Read More
For Christians the solitude of a near or total lockdown is a wonderful opportunity to draw nearer to God in prayer, mindful that God is present with us whatever is happening around us and irregardless of whether we "feel" his presence.
The Ultimate Online Technology Strategy for Smaller Churches

Smaller churches are sometimes reluctant to embrace technology and take their churches online. However, having an online technology strategy helps boost member engagement and new church visitors.Read More
An online technology strategy will also enable small churches to gather online in local, regional, and national emergencies like the present one.
All Your Video Should be Closed-Captioned – Here’s How

With closed captions videos are more accessible to people with disabilities. But they’re more accessible to tons of other people, too. Read More

Update on Generation Z

Vivendi Brand Marketing released a comprehensive report titled “Gen Z & Entertainment” on those born between 2000 and 2012 (Although most would deem Generation Z to include those born between 1995 and 2010.). The report looks at how “they connect with books, festivals, gaming, music and series in a new and different way.” Read More

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