
Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19, Politics, Sin, and Grace

By Robin G. Jordan

What troubles me is the extent that politics has come not only permeate our thinking but also to dominate it. Right now our main concern should be slowing the spread of the Coronavirus and saving lives, not worrying about who may be elected the President of the United States this coming November. Rather than focusing on the outcome of a yet-to-be-held election and the political fortunes of our favorite candidate, we should be focusing on combating the virus’ spread and shoring up our health care system. We are in the midst of a major public health emergency. Our number one priority should safeguarding our communities, our families, and ourselves.

It is the time to back up and to say to ourselves, “I’m not going to go down that path.” If we allow politics to distract us, we are going to have a far greater disaster on our hands than what we might have otherwise faced. It is not the time for pointing fingers, making accusations, and playing the blame game. It is the time to work together, to close ranks against a common enemy—COVID-19.

We live in a fallen, sinful world. Our natural inclination is to make the wrong choices and to take the wrong actions. There are also spiritual forces at work in the world that encourage us to make these choices and take these actions. They delight in sowing discord and causing misery. The world would be in far worse shape than it is if were not for God’s grace. God himself is also at work in the world. While the powers of darkness work to turn us against each other, God works to bring us together. It is God who enables us to discern what is the right choice to make and the right action to take. It is also God who gives us the desire and the determination to do what is right despite our inclination to do otherwise.

If we look around us, we will see numerous manifestations of God’s grace—volunteer buying groceries for the elderly who are sickly and cannot leave their homes, doctors and nurses working long hours without respite, volunteers helping healthy worker who are overwhelmed with the skyrocketing number of Coronavirus cases. Even President Trump’s decision to extend the social distancing guidelines is a manifestation of God’s grace.

We are not alone in our struggle against the Coronavirus. God is with us. We can trust his promises.

God is prompting us to set aside our worldly concerns and to say “yes” to life and “no” to death. He will take our hidden motivations and transform them for our good, the good of others, and his own glory.

This is a time for those of us who call Jesus their Lord to show that he is truly the Lord of our lives and to shine brighter than we have ever shone before. May God be glorified in all our words and deeds.

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