
Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday's Catch: 'Your Church Is Now a Blank Slate' and More

Your Church Is Now a Blank Slate

Let me be clearer. When you return to gather for worship and fellowship and study, it will not be the same church before the coronavirus pandemic. The world will never be the same. And neither will your church. Many, if not most, of our churches are struggling and hurting. Some will not make it. The situation is bleak for many congregations. But this period is also a time of opportunity. It is a time to rethink your church. It’s a time to shed “the way we’ve always done it” mindset and move into a new and exciting future. Read More

Bigger Fixes Nothing (What Reality TV Taught Me About Healthy Churches)

Being small does not mean that something is broken. But if something is broken, you can’t fix it by making it bigger. Those principles were reinforced for me recently in a surprisingly unlikely place. Reality TV. Read More

10 Tools to Help Your Church Navigate the Covid-19 Pandemic

Pastors all over the globe are being faced with an enormous challenge. How do we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic in a way that we can continue reaching out to those who don’t yet know Jesus and continue discipling and caring for our flock? Read More

Coronavirus Economic Relief Bill to Benefit Pastors and Churches

Millions of Americans will soon receive direct checks from the U.S. government as part of the COVID-19 Pandemic Phase III Stimulus Package; that includes pastors. In addition to the money sent to individuals, the $2 trillion economic relief plan has provisions that may benefit churches and other nonprofits. Read More

How Pastors Should Talk About Giving in the Current Crisis

As the world responds to a global pandemic, churches and the vital work they do are more important than ever. But as the weeks of social distancing continue, the challenge of meeting virtually with members who may or may not be able to tithe at the moment is a serious problem for more and more leaders. Read More

4 Ways Churches Can Help Those Who Battle Depression during the Pandemic

Here are four ways to walk alongside those battling depression that may be exacerbated by the pandemic and social isolation. Read More

10 Keys to Pastoring through a Pandemic

Remember, the church is not where you go, it’s who you are. As you consider what it looks like to belong to and care for your church today, think about your brothers and sisters in Christ, not the building. Then, consider these steps as you pastor.... Read More

10 Tips for Better Preaching

Most of my experience in preaching is to unchurched college students. This happens to be one the most difficult demographics to preach to. The last several years God has given me the opportunity to also help train up new staff on the craft of preaching. It has been a joy to see God grow leaders in these areas mentioned below. Make sure to check out the list of suggested resources at the bottom. Read More

Everybody Sing!

What do you miss most about church during enforced isolation? It might be the socializing, or the preaching, or the excellent Sunday school series that was interrupted. I miss the singing. Read More

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