
Friday, March 20, 2020

New Song: ‘Christ Our Hope in Life and Death’ [Video; Free Sheet Music and MP3]

Like so many others, I’ve watched the news of COVID-19 spreading and wondered how it will affect my life. My family usually spends the summer months at home in Northern Ireland; now, it looks like we’ll have to stay put in America. That’s a minor concern compared to the deeper troubles that confront many around the world.

Though we don’t know what exactly will happen with this virus, we do know that we’ll all face death. Unless Jesus returns first, it is the one certainty we can count on.

That’s why, in the providence of God, I’m excited that my four daughters have been gathering around our piano to sing a new song. It’s a song that’s honest about death, and that’s why I think it’s a song that can remind us of our unshakeable hope. Learn How the Song Was Written, Watch Video, and Download Free Sheet Music and MP3

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