
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Plagues And How To Survive Them! ' and More

Plagues And How To Survive Them! [Video]

What does Christian history teach us about the Coronavirus? Watch Now

7 Steps toward a Digital Church Response to the Global Crisis

Digital will never replace the value of physical, in-person connection with a church community, yet at the same time, it will forever be an experience for those in our communities who are sick or unable to attend service for other reasons. Digital will also be the new (and possibly only) method to reach your community and people in a time of crisis. As a leader, you have an opportunity to unite your people and reach the community through the power of digital outreach...This is a huge opportunity and here are a few steps you can take to seize it. Read More

Crisis Leadership [Podcast]

In this special episode of the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, Carey talks to Jud Wilhite, Kevin Queen and Tricia Sciortino about the best practices in crisis management, virtual teams and how to make decisions when things are changing constantly. Listen

How To Lead Virtually: Making Decisions during Spacial Distancing [Video]

This is a replay of a Church Answers webinar in which I participated yesterday. The webinar provided helpful information on how to lead your ministry team virtually during better times as well as in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of useful resources are mentioned during the webinar. Watch Now

Guard Yourself against Poor Communication in Trying Times

The last few days have unfolded a bit like a summer blockbuster of the apocalyptic zombie variety. Social media is ablaze with hot takes ranging from encouraging Bible verses to conspiracy theories, and as we seek to understand the ever-changing landscape these events inspire, it’s important we communicate wisely. Read More

F.A.M.I.L.Y Worship during COVID-19

We all want to lead our children well during this unprecedented time. Read More

Never a Better Time for Family Prayer

As families are stuck at home, we have an opportunity to together take up this largely invisible, outwardly unremarkable tool. Read More

30 Edifying Things to Watch When Stuck at Home

Here are 30 recommendations—divided into fiction and nonfiction—for what you and your family might watch at home during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. Read More
Among the resources available to those of us who are stuck at home and are connected to the internet are Project Gutenberg, Project Gutenberg Australia, Project Gutenberg Canada, and Internet Archive. Copyright laws vary from country to country so you can find a book on one Project Gutenberg site that you don't find on the others. Most of the books on the Internet Archive site are in the public domain. For Christians being stuck at home is a perfect opportunity to read some of the great spiritual classics.

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