
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday's Catch: 'How to Livestream for Free' and More

How to Livestream for Free: A Quick Solution for Churches

More and more churches have made the hard decision to suspend their public worship services and instead offer their congregants an online version of church. For those churches that are new to livestream services, this can be a difficult time to navigate. Before you type how to livestream into Google, though, we’ve put together some quick suggestions for you. Read More

When God Closes a Church Door, He Opens a Browser Window

Platforms, apps, and networks once built as a supplement to in-person gatherings have become the primary point of connection for millions. Read More

What It Means to Be the Church: Churches Filling Needs as Lock-Down Continues

Even though most church buildings are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, many pastors and members are busier than ever. Church leaders and volunteers throughout America are stepping up to serve their communities during a fearful time of unprecedented disruptions and long-term lockdowns. These churches are showing the world what it means to be the church. Read More

Christians, Let’s Flatten the Curve But Remain a ‘Religion for the Sick’

Physicians reflect theologically on three unique Christian contributions to COVID-19 preparations. Read More

Generosity in a Time of Hoarding

As Christians, we should be known for giving, not hoarding. How can we display the generosity of Christ during a season of uncertainty? Read More

Crisis Leadership, Christian Leadership, and the Coronavirus Epidemic

When circumstances are changing daily, even hourly, here are a few broader principles that I hope can guide you as a leader that I’m trying to bear in mind as well. Read More
Also see How to Lead Through Rapid, Unexpected Change and 8 Ways to Lead in the New Digital Default Church.
Avoiding Disunity amid Difficult (Coronavirus) Decisions

As I see the acrimony ramp up in the United States, I thought I’d share some principles on avoiding disunity. Read More

6 Strategies for Shepherding the Flock While 'Socially Distanced'

How can we leverage the unique opportunities we currently have to serve our church and community? Here are some practical thoughts and tips. Read More

4 Ministry Mistakes to Avoid during a Pandemic

It doesn’t take long to get caught up in the ministry whirlwind as we play whack-a-mole with challenges we’ve never faced before. Here are four of the most common mistakes I’ve observed that you can avoid in the coming weeks. Read More

Five Ways to Earn Extra Income to Support Yourself in Ministry [Podcast]

Today’s episode with Dr. Kevin Ezell discusses how you can earn extra income to support yourself while serving in ministry. Listen Now

Students Are Scrambling After Universities Close. Churches Can Help.

How to best offer support and encouragement to young people and faculty affected by COVID-19. Read More

Don’t Waste Your Family Quarantine

Everyone in your home is facing unexpected challenges. So how does your family cope with all of this uncertainty? Read More

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