
Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday's Catch: COVID-19 and Disaster Preparedness and More

How COVID-19 Can Churches Prepare for the Next Disaster

While churches often respond to disaster, how ready are houses of worship for a crisis before it happens? What can churches do to improve their readiness? Read More
With the climate warming up, churches can expect to see an uptick in the frequency and severity of blizzards, floods, hurricanes, ice storms, mud slides, tornadoes, and wild fires. As human beings encroach more and more upon the the habit of wildlife, they can also expect to see an uptick in the occurrences of diseases like COVID-19. With disasters like these on the rise, churches need to be prepared to deal with them.
What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

David Qaoud provides a brief overview of the work of the Holy Spirit. Read More

What Should I Do with My Stimulus Check?

Though the Bible doesn’t give us specific commands for what we should do when the government gives away money, God does give many helpful principles for pursuing financial wisdom. Here are eight biblical guidelines. Read More

6 Ways to Do Evangelism during Times of Social Distancing

The Great Commission continues to be our marching orders despite these ongoing weeks of social distancing. Here are some ways for us to continue to do personal evangelism—or perhaps begin to do evangelism—in these days. Read More

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