
Friday, April 17, 2020

Navigating the Digital Sea:' What Churches Are learning in the Digital World' and More

Gone are the days when intrepid sea captains sailed their ships into unchartered waters with only a compass, a knowledge of the stars, the winds, and the currents, and the tales of old sailors to guide them. With that in mind I am launching a new feature, "Navigating the Digital Sea," to help churches, small groups, families, and those working remotely from home to navigate the unfamiliar waters of cyberspace.

What Churches Are Learning in the Digital World

The current crisis has disrupted the normal practices of almost every church in America. From streaming services to digital giving, church leaders are learning quickly about the digital world and the creative ways technology is reaching people with the gospel. Read More

Real Law for Virtual Gatherings: Copyright and The Livestream Church

Over the past few weeks, the experience of church for all of us has changed drastically. COVID-19 has meant that we can no longer meet together physically. For most of us, we’re now all meeting through online streaming services. This presents some new challenges regarding copyright and licencing. Read More

How My Sunday School Class Has Kept Meeting

Churches in this crisis are understandably focused on how to keep services going. But an additional priority, for me as an adult Sunday school teacher, has been holding online class meetings since we can’t gather in person. It has actually gone quite well. This is how we’ve handled it. Read More

7 Ways to Use Technology as a Ministry Tool

Technology can either hurt your message (by being outdated and irrelevant) or can support ministry (by being up-to-date and used wisely). People in your community will find your church, and get their first impression of you, based on your church website. Your congregation will stay connected with their small groups via social media and will sign up for church events through your church management software. This ever-evolving use of technology for ministry requires regular maintenance and continuous education. Thankfully, staying up-to-date doesn’t have to be terribly complicated. Read More

Work-From-Home, But Is Home Secure?

Given the COVID-19 pandemic schools have closed their physical doors nationwide and are moving to online assignments. Most churches and businesses have shifted day-to-day operations to a work-from-home model. And so, with most of us working at home now, and remotely connecting back into our critical networks at work, it raises the question—have we implemented the necessary safe computing practices at home? Here are six essential safe computing practice tips.... Read More

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