
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: The New Reality and More

Missional Living: Between Danger and Opportunity

This crisis has brought about paradigmatic change, and unless our response shows a consideration of this new reality, we will suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Read More

When Will Our Church Buildings Reopen?

This weekend many pastors across America will face a situation they never would have imagined: preaching an Easter sermon to a congregation trapped in their homes. Read More

What If Everything We Knew About Church Changed? What Then?

Here’s my recommendation for things to work on this week. I think if we focus on these three things we’ll make incredible progress in our new normal. Read More

2 Primary Goals for Easter This Year

Due to the blessing of the internet and the capability to bring the hope of Christ to people’s phones or living room screens, the church must see that the Easter celebration of 2020 will certainly be the most different we’ve ever had, but it could be as significant for the church in terms of capitalizing on a missional moment that we have never experienced before. Read More

Pandemic Linked to Surge in Domestic Violence, Suicide

Requiring people to shelter at home might be a necessary measure in order to combat the spread of Covid-19, but a side effect for many is that it increases the danger they are in. Across the world and in the U.S., the coronavirus and the ensuing social isolation is making it more likely that people will experience a greater strain on their mental health, leading to in some unfortunate cases to suicide and in others to domestic violence. Read More

Keep Your Spirits Up When Your World Is Down [Podcast]

Our listeners are waiting to return to in-person gatherings. But on this Good Friday, the Church Answers team wants to provide hope and encouragement by providing some helpful tips to keep your spirits up during this very difficult time in history. Listen Now

Who Were the Six Women Who Saw the Risen Christ?

The fact that the gospels describe women as discovering the empty tomb is a pointer to their historicity. Again, if this was an apocryphal legend, they would not have invented women as the first witnesses and responsible for telling the men. Read More

Historical Objects that Help Tell the Story of Easter

As Easter weekend begins and this time of being housebound continues, I find myself thinking beyond the confines of my home. I find myself thinking wistfully of some of the places around the world I’ve had the privilege to visit, and some of the Easter-related objects I’ve found there. Here are a couple of objects I discovered in my round-the-world Epic journey that help tell the story of Easter. Read More

12 Things TEDx Speakers Do That Preachers Don’t

Much of the advice in TEDx-talk guidelines for TEDx speakers is a welcome wake-up call to preachers who are communicating in a 21st-century, postmodern, post-Christian context. Read More

The Gift of Hymns in the ‘Not Yet’

Nashville-based traditional worship artist Greg LaFollette is the latest Christian musician to release an album of updated old hymns. Featuring collaborators like Jason Gray, Mission House, and Alisa Turner, the album, I’ll Wait For You, My Love, released last week. I spoke with LaFollette about the album, the importance of hymns in anxious times, and what congregational worship looks like in quarantine. Read More

Songs of Common Prayer: An Interview with Greg LaFollette

Greg LaFollette is a musician and producer in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the resident artist at a local church plant, Grace Story Church, and serves as their director of arts and liturgy. His sophomore album, Songs of Common Prayer, featuring artists Sara Groves, Sarah Masen, and Taylor Leonhardt, was recently released, and I caught up with him to ask a few questions about it and to share some samples. Read More

New Song: “Something Greater”

This Easter Sunday will be anything but normal. For the first time, churches around our nation and the world will not be gathering in person due to the COVID-19 virus. Even though we will be physically apart we are not alone. As churches prepare to meet digitally we wanted give you some new music to encourage you as we celebrate our Risen King. Read More

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