
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Small Group Network Online Group Tips

Learn How to Use Zoom in 5 Mins for Online Small Groups [Video]

A Small Group Network Zoom tutorial for small group leaders and small group leaders-in-training. Watch Now

8 Icebreakers for Online Groups

Just like in-person groups, online group meetings can sometimes get off to an awkward start. Group members may have difficulties getting connected, or you may have to wait a few minutes while everyone logs on. So how can you, as a leader, be proactive and set the tone for an engaging meeting? Here are four icebreaker questions and four icebreaker games to get everyone settled in for a great online gathering. Read More

Effectively Leading Groups through a Time of Social Distancing [Video]

During this unique time of COVID-19, how are you effectively leading groups through a time of social distancing? Enjoy this webinar replay featuring Chris Surratt, Steve Gladen & Jared Musgrove. Watch Now

How to Host a Secure Zoom Meeting [Video]

So you launched an online small group (s) using zoom – great! But you’ve since experienced or heard of others experiencing security breaches by trouble makers. Watch our 3 minute tutorial on how to host a secure zoom meeting! Watch Now

6 Ways to Communicate with your Small Group Members During COVID-19

The Covid-19 virus has vastly changed the landscape of the church. In response to the stay-at-home mandates that are being issued, churches across the world have quickly been adapting and transitioning into online ministry. With the decrease of in-person interaction comes the incredible opportunity for a church’s small group ministry to thrive by using technology to help fill the gap. During these unprecedented times, the community looks to the response of the church and its lay leaders to assist in processing the events of national crises. Indeed, this is an incredible time for small groups to shine and help foster a sense of community that ministers to the spiritual needs of the community (even if through digital means!). Let us visit 6 different ways a group leader can reach out to their group members during this season of social distancing. Read More

How to Use Zoom Breakout Rooms [Video]

So you launched an online small group (s) using Zoom – great! But have you learned how to use Zoom break out rooms? Watch our quick tutorial on how to use this amazing feature that will take your online small group to the next level! Watch Now

7 Lessons Navy Deployments Taught me about Thriving while Socially Isolated

Here are seven lessons Navy Deployment taught me about thriving while socially isolated. Hopefully some of these help you in your situation. Read More

Go to COVID-19 Small Group Resources and scroll down the page for more articles and videos.

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