
Friday, April 03, 2020

Seven Tips to Manage Your Mental Health and Well-Being during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Feeling overwhelmed by a lockdown and the need to suddenly adopt e-learning? Keep connected and compassionate, says clinical psychologist Desiree Dickerson.

I am a clinical psychologist who specializes in academic mental health and well-being. In mid-March I was due to run a resilience and well-being workshop in Sweden for doctoral candidates, but was instead facing day eight of quarantine with two small children in my apartment in Spain. Like many people’s, my sense of resilience feels increasingly frayed. When our minds are consumed by the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on our health, loved ones, home countries, economy and students — not to mention our research programme, funding or employment status, and an abrupt transition to e-learning — how do we maintain our own mental health and well-being and that of our community?

Here are some tips that have resonated from discussions I have held with academic leaders and students about responding to COVID-19.... Read More

Also See:
Tips for How to Stay Happy in Troubling Times

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