
Friday, April 03, 2020

Friday's Catch: Praying through the Changes and More

7 Ways Our World Has Changed, But God Hasn’t

We are gradually coming to terms with the massive changes that have gripped our world in the last few weeks. I have written about 7 temptations we will face in isolation, 7 spheres in which we should be confident in God’s Word during this time, and 7 tips for preaching online. Now, here are 7 changes that we should pray through at this time.... Read More

5 Low-Tech Ways to Collect Offering Even While Your Church Isn't Gathering

do believe the number one step right now for the vast majority of churches is to unleash digital giving like never before. However, some people will simply not be able to make the transition. They desire to be generous but need other ways. Here are five offering opportunities that can unleash giving today. Read More

4 Struggles COVID-19 Causes for Single Adults in Your Church

As we self-quarantine and comply with local stay-at-home orders..., it’s critical for church leaders to understand the extra set of concerns single adults grapple with. Read More

Finding a Pastor’s State of Mind

Leading into his presence is what pastors do. But we have to go there first. It could take some time. This time, finding this place took me three days. But I cannot lead people there, I cannot lead from there, if I am not there myself. But when we get there, we will walk with our churches, our neighborhoods and the least of these among us through this tumultuous time. There will be a glorious feast on the other side. Read More

Pastors, There’s Never Been a Better Time to Pick Up the Phone

While pastors may not be able to visit people during the coronavirus outbreak, they can still give them a phone call. Read More

5 Ways to Make Sermons Stand Out from the Noise

How do you help the sermon stand out from the noise and clutter your people hear every day? Here are some thoughts and suggestions. Read More

How to Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus

Kaye, my wife, and I sat down with Morag Webb, a family therapist in Orange County. Morag is highly respected for her work with children and adolescents so Kaye and I wanted to gain wisdom from her on talking to our own kids. You can watch the video on here, but here are three actions Kaye and I are taking after talking with a family therapist about leading our girls in this season. Read More

Leverage Your Loneliness

Let’s not miss the opportunity we have to meet with the living God in this moment. As we shut ourselves off from the world, let’s not shut down our interaction with God. Let’s reject the voices that want to lure us into fear or senseless numbing. Instead, let’s quiet our souls in the presence of our good and sovereign King (Ps. 131). Read More

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