
Friday, April 03, 2020

The Best Alternatives to Zoom for Videoconferencing

If recent news has made you Zoom-hesitant, there are other apps available

The Zoom videoconferencing app has become a highly popular means of keeping in touch for a world increasingly in isolation during the coronavirus pandemic, both for personal and professional meetings. However, there have been a number of complaints about Zoom’s privacy and security record of late, especially as more and more people flock to the platform and a brighter spotlight is shined on how it works and what data it may collect.

We recently ran a roundup of some of the free videoconferencing apps available, including Zoom. Since so many questions have come up about Zoom’s security, we’ve decided to run the roundup again, this time excluding Zoom and adding other apps that you can use instead.

As before, it’s worth noting that while all of these have free versions, some are offering temporary access to additional features for those who are currently working from home or who want to check up on friends and relatives online. Read More

Also See:
10 Free Zoom Alternative Apps for Video Chats
What I see happening is that people will start to use use more than one app--a different app for video conferencing, video chat, and so on. Every app has its strengths and its limitations.

Sometimes the deciding factor will be what app their company uses if they are working remotely. Other times it may be the app that is popular with family, relatives, and friends.

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