
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Engagement Lessons from COVID-19 and More

3 Lessons Learned about Engagement (from COVID-19)

Mark Howell shares three lessons about engagement that he has learned so far from the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More

The Zoom Social Etiquette Guide

Whether you are using Zoom or some other video conferencing platform, you will want to observe these important rules of video conferencing etiquette. Read More

5 Things Remote Ministry Teams Need from Their Leader

Here are a few of the lessons Zac Workun and Chad Higgins learned that may help leaders serve their staff and volunteers well during this season of remote work. Read More

How Personal Contact Will Change Post-Covid-19

We’ll be less touchy-feely and far more wary, but the transition will feel strange. Read More
Among the implications for churches is no handshakes at the entrance, no hugs in the hallway, no meet-and-greet time during the service, no passing of the peace, and no laying on of hands. We may see a revival of bowing in the West, perhaps with hands folded against our chests, palm against palm.

The Lord be with you (bow).
The Lord bless you (bow)
Virus Protection Resources for Your Church

As the time comes to reopen your church for public gatherings, make sure you have all the tools you need to keep your members and visitors safe. Outreach, Inc., the parent company of Outreach magazine, is blessed to be able to help keep your church safe by providing a supply of virus-prevention tools. Read More

Coronavirus Calls for Revival of Real Pentecostalism

Despite failures, Spirit-filled theology can show us how to respond to the pandemic. Read More

When Puritan Theology Helped Develop Immunology

The conquest of smallpox began when two Puritan pastors investigated whether God had provided a solution for the virus in nature. So, in the face of the outbreak, some Puritans began experimenting with inoculations—experiments that provoked fierce opposition. Read More

4 Ways to Disagree Graciously with Other Christians

Gavin Orland suggests four ways that we can disagree graciously with our fellow Christians. Read More

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