
Friday, May 01, 2020

Friday's Catch: Tailoring Worship to the New Paradigm and More

Keep People Engaged Online – What’s the Secret?

Distractions are easier when we’re at home and watching online. Home is comfortable, kids are crazier, and the kitchen is stocked and just a few steps away. So instead of trying to force our traditional Sunday worship into a new space, why don’t we rethink this time together for this new paradigm? Read More

Few Churches Gathered, More Moved Online in April

As federal, state and local governments weigh relaxing stay-at-home guidelines, most churches continued to avoid gathering physically throughout April. Read More

How Are You Thinking About Re-opening Church?

One of the most common questions ministry leaders are asking one another in this crazy season is around “re-opening church gatherings.” While none of us can really answer with any certainty “when” we can re-open church gatherings, we can think about “how” we will re-open church gatherings. As leaders, we cannot know when things “will go back to normal,” but we can pose good questions, lead healthy discussions, and be prepared for multiple scenarios. Here are three suggestions for church leaders as you think about re-opening church gatherings.... Read More

What Should You Do When Disagreeing with Family and Friends about Social Distancing?

With states beginning to announce plans for opening local economies back up amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are going to be faced with difficult decisions. When should we start going out again? Where will it be safe for us to go? When we go somewhere, what precautions should we take? Once looser restrictions are put in place, decisions that were made for us by our government leaders will be placed in our hands. While these choices are indeed difficult ones to make, they will be even more difficult when you consider that people will inevitably disagree about what is best when re-engaging the public on a day-to-day basis. Read More

Creating a Financial Plan for Your Church during the Outbreak [Podcast]

Let’s talk finance and having a plan. Creating a financial plan for your church during this season raises many questions for pastors. Church leaders need to embrace this critical step as they lead during uncertain times. Listen Now

6 Tips for Overcoming Virtual Meetings Fatigue

What do we do when our minds and bodies start shutting down from virtual meetings overload? Here are six tips to overcome your Zoom/Hangouts/WebEx/Skype/FaceTime fatigue. Read More

Your Brain in the COVID-19 Crisis

In this age that requires great ideas and great leadership, how can we foster good thinking? Here are five suggestions to help keep your mind clear, focused and working at its best, given the circumstances. Read More

4 Options for Your Church’s VBS this Summer

Let me share four ways in which VBS can still happen in 2020. Each of these strategies is designed to help churches use their existing VBS curriculum to facilitate VBS creatively and safely this summer. We don’t know exactly what things will look like a few months from now.Read More

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