
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Six Lessons for Churches from a COVID-19 Survivor and More

Surviving COVID-19 in Spain Changed My Faith

Six lessons for churches from the president of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance. Read More

10 Ministry Idols Being Exposed by COVID-19

The pandemic is forcing churches to do ministry differently and find new ways to reach people. But it’s also teaching us about ourselves and exposing weaknesses in our ministries. Read More

Church Plants, Fight for Community During COVID-19

This pandemic exposes our ecclesiological commitments. For the communal aspect of church life to continue during COVID-19, instead of simply hibernating let’s exhibit three characteristics in our fight for community. Now is the time to lead your church plant to prioritize and pursue community. Read More

5 Things Smart Churches Are Doing During The Coronavirus COVID-19

Brian Dodd examines five of the things that smart churches are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More

Why Your Church Must Move to Both Digital and Automated Giving Immediately [Podcast]

In a time when most churches are holding virtual services, Thom Rainer and Sam Rainer speak with Jess Rainer regarding best practices and benefits in moving to both digital and automated giving immediately. Listen Now

12 Ways We Might All Be Different When We Gather Again as Congregations

We’re all looking forward to the day when we’re past this COVID-19 crisis enough that our churches can worship together again. None of us can know for certain how we’ll be different when that happens, but here are some of my guesses. Read More

How Church Leaders Are Responding to the Challenges of COVID-19: Second Round Survey

Even as there are emerging signs of optimism in combating COVID-19, the demands of this season on pastors and church leaders are not likely to lessen in the near future. Read More

4 Steps to Cultivating Pastor Resilience 

How to take care of yourself as you care for others. Read More

Everyday Mercies: 7 Ways to Build Resilience during COVID-19

Adversity means an opportunity to grow. At the heart of growth is the ability to be resilient. Resilience is all about the ability to cope and bounce back. How can we develop resilience, in these times? Read More

5 Ways to Grow Stronger during the Pandemic

My family has decided to make it our goal to grow stronger during these times. I encourage you, pastors, to adopt the same theme during the weeks ahead. Consider strengthening yourself in the following ways.... Read More

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