
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Relaunching the Church and More

What Relaunching the Church Might Look Like Over the Next 3–12 Months

We are in the midst of a crisis that is forcing the church to learn a new song and dance. Read More

What Your Church Must Know Before Reopening the Building

Understanding the concerns of everyone in the local church will help leaders better assess their current situation and make the proper plans before welcoming worshippers and guests back to the building. To help with the process, LifeWay Research has developed and made available a free survey church leaders can send to everyone in their congregation. Read More

10 Ways Women Can Stay Connected During COVID-19

We continue to innovate, pivot our strategies, and seek new ways to keep one another connected to God’s Word and to each other. Read More

Four Ways to Deal With Your COVID-19 Worries

How can you overcome worry during this stressful season? Read More

Majority of Protestant Pastors Believe Climate Change Is Human-Caused

According to data from LifeWay Research, a majority of America’s Protestant pastors now—for the first time—say global warming and climate change are real and human-caused. Read More

Barna: More Americans Now Believe in Satan Than in God

The third and latest report in Dr. George Barna’s American Worldview Inventory 2020 evaluated the perceptions of God that people have in the U.S. Among the survey’s most surprising findings are that more Americans believe in Satan than believe in God and that more people believe that Jesus was divine and a sinner than believe he is divine and sinless. Read More

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