
Friday, May 08, 2020

Friday's Catch: Reopening Your Church and More

How to Avoid Bad Press as Your Church Reopens

Church leaders are facing a difficult decision as the COVID curve starts to flatten: Is it in the best interest of their congregation to reopen facilities and meet in-person or stay closed a while longer? How do you weigh the potential health risks of opening against the potential spiritual, psychological and financial risks of staying closed? How do you avoid bad press in all this? Read More
At today's Regather webinar Jimmy Scroggins suggested that churches should not be the first to reopen despite the pressures upon church leaders to reopen. Rather they should wait until after businesses and schools have reopened before testing the waters. If there is a surge of COVID-19 cases following the reopening of businesses and schools, they will need to readjust their plans to reopen. When they do reopen, they need to take a phased approach. They also need to be prepared to close again. Ed Stetzer described a stage of reopening which he called "accordion church," in which churches reopen then close, reopen then close, depending upon what he called the "COVID-19 dance," the fluctuations of the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the community. In some communities the number of COVID-19 cases will fall while in others they will rise. He also pointed out that while a particular community may have a low number of COVID-19 cases, the number of cases in communities with which that community is connected should be a consideration because they are sources of infection to the community.
12 Small Church Guidelines for Gathering Again

Here are some guidelines I hope will be helpful. Most of these are not original with me but a gathering of thoughts from webinars and wisdom from other pastors in small church situations like mine. Read More

Preparing for Life Beyond Coronavirus

Here are a few questions for leaders that might help us navigate, process and prepare in the weeks ahead.... Read More

4 Issues That Grew as Problems for Pastors in April

In addition to highlighting the pressure points afflicting most pastors last month, LifeWay Research’s surveys demonstrate which issues have gotten worse for church leaders. Comparing March to April, four areas became a problem for more pastors. Read More

4 Criteria for Rethinking Post-Coronavirus Ministry

Here are four things each church should consider as they think about the people they’ll be serving—both those who’ve been around for a while and newcomers. Read More

11 Kinds of Preacher: Which Preacher Type Are You?

You will show in your preaching in more ways than just your physical presence. Your personality will be a grid through which the message passes multiple times in preparation and delivery. Read More

3 Methods for Connecting People to Online Bible Studies

Pastors and group leaders are excited that regular attenders are using technology to stay connected and to experience Bible study, but what should the church do to engage people who are unconnected in virtual discipleship groups? Read More

35 Ways to Love Your Neighbors Right Now

We’re socially isolated. We can’t gather in groups. We’re working from home. We can’t even go to church. How are Christians meant to express their faith in these strange days of COVID-19? It’s tough, I agree, but there are plenty of ways to love your neighbors, even during lockdown. Here’s 35 simple ways to love your neighbor as yourself, even at a distance. Read More

Why Listening is a Key Practice For Evangelism

In our zeal to see people “repent and believe,” we often fail to listen to their stories and bear witness to their deep desires. We miss hearing what they trust in, what they hope for, what they truly worship—what they want… what they really, really want. Read More

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