
Friday, May 08, 2020

The Home Studio Gear Guide: Here's All the Equipment You Need Even on a Tiny Budget

So all of a sudden you’re recording videos, messages and going live on social media like you never have before.

While the coronavirus may have ramped up your online presence, the digital future was on its way anyway for church and business leaders.

I’ve been podcasting and shooting video from home for years, and almost every day, leaders keep asking me what gear I use, so I thought I’d put this into post form.

First, the good news.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money, at all.

Expensive gear doesn’t generate extensive impact online. Quality content does.

They say content is king. I agree and would say great content is both king and queen.

Gear helps, but there are lots of people with thousands of dollars of gear and no audience.

Great gear doesn’t make bad content better.

If you want more on making content people can’t ignore, I outline 7 tips here.

If you have a smartphone and/or laptop, there are very modest gear upgrades you can make that will make your videos and audio better.

So I’ve organized this post into three sections.... Read More

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