
Saturday, May 09, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: An American Tragedy--Its Failure to Support Mothers--and More

Want a Healthy Society? Support Moms

How politicians and leaders on both the Left and Right fail to adequately aid mothers. Read More
As someone who was involved in child welfare work for more than 25 years, I have had first hand experience of how US politicians and leaders have failed to provide adequate resources to help mothers. It is not only a national tragedy but it is also a national disgrace. My mother was a working mother and a solo parent. She was fortunate to have supportive parents. Other mothers have not been as fortunate.
Quarantine’s Psychological Toll: 3 Disorders to Watch Out For

The purpose of this article is to be informative and practical. The hope is that it will help the church to take sensitive measures in light of the potential aftershocks of COVID-19 isolation. Some of the terms will be clinical, but I hope to provide street-level understanding of these issues coupled with biblical direction for care. Read More

How to Pray for Your Pastor During Lockdown

If you pray for your pastor, as I hope you do, how will you pray for him during this coronavirus lockdown? Of course, this global lockdown affects us all differently. We live under widely varying regulations in different countries or even in different counties within the same country. But there are some things you can pray for your pastor—regardless of his circumstance. Consider these six. Read More

How to Handle Your Critics Like a Pro, Not a Toddler

What do you do when criticism comes your way? Carey Nieuwhof offers some helpful advice. Read More

Small Group Leader, You Are a Pastor

I tell small group leaders this all the time. I’m not always sure they believe me. Or perhaps they think I’m trying to validate them or make them feel important, but I don’t really mean it. But if you are a small group leader, I have an announcement for you: YOU ARE A PASTOR. Read More
Ministry team leaders are also pastors. So are children's Sunday school teachers. Indeed working with a group of adults or children or a combination of the two invariably places an individual in a pastoral role in relation to the members of the group. The senior pastor of a church is really a shepherd to shepherds. The chief shepherd, of course, is Christ himself. While they should avoid the errors of the shepherding movement, those working with a group of any kind do have a responsibility for the spiritual care of the group with whom they are working. It is not a responsibility that they can abdicate to others.
3 Ways to Live in the Fullness of God in Frightening Times

We all wonder what life on the other side of COVID-19 will look like and are tempted to live in fear. But Scripture says perfect love drives out all fear—that when we completely surrender ourselves to God, we need not worry about tomorrow. But what does this practically look like in the midst of a pandemic that’s challenging our sense of normal? Read More

Muslims Are Celebrating Their Biggest Holiday in Isolation. Christians Know What That’s Like.

How believers can reach out and encourage followers of Islam during Ramadan. Read More
To extend his kingdom God uses the kindness of Christians to those who do not share their faith.

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