
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic: What Churches Can Expect in the Coming Months UPDATED

As pressure mounts on church leaders to reopen churches and to discontinue children's online services, church leaders need to pay more attention to what health experts are saying and researchers are learning than to politicians and pundits. It would do untold damage to the witness of American's churches as well as cost thousands of human lives if they heed those who are downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic and become the epicenter of a fresh outbreak of COVID-19. The following articles provide a more realistic view of what we may be facing in the coming months.

What We Know About The Silent Spreaders Of COVID-19 - NEW
The coronavirus has mutated and appears to be more contagious now, new study finds
New Studies Add to Evidence that Children May Transmit the Coronavirus
Schools should be ready for phased reopening, future closures, pediatrics group says
More cases of rare syndrome in children reported globally
The 'boogeyman' of pediatrics: What is Kawasaki disease and is it linked to the coronavirus?
Another wave of coronavirus will likely hit the US in the fall. Here's why and what we can do to stop it
What happens if a coronavirus vaccine is never developed? It has happened before
Coronavirus may last 2 years, study warns. And its second wave could be worse.

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