
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Small Gatherings and More

When Only Two or Three Can Gather

The coronavirus pandemic has flipped many normal ministry paradigms on their heads. As different parts of the world start navigating various ways to come out of quarantine, we'll experience more changes. But large gatherings will largely remain off-limits, at least for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Jesus promised that “where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matt. 18:20). Is healthy discipleship possible when that becomes the upper limit of regular physical gatherings? Yes! Over nearly 15 years of leading small, embedded communities as the primary discipleship venue for our church, I’ve picked up on a few principles that may be helpful in the ever-changing COVID scene, even when only two or three can gather. Read More

7 (Possible) Church Trends Emerging from COVID-19

As we approach two months of COVID-19 restrictions, I have noticed a number of trends beginning to emerge among Australian Churches. These indications are based on my own experience and the many conversations I am having with pastors across the country. Read More
One of the trends which is noticeable in this article but to which its author does not draw attention is to treat online services as something less than "real" church. I found this article on Tim Challies' blog. Challies expresses a similar view in an article of his own, "Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services." The underlying premise is that a church must take a particular form in order to be the church. To my mind this type of argument is akin to the Roman Catholic assertion that the "real" church exists only where the authority of the pope is recognized and a priest ordained by a bishop in a particular succession of bishops celebrates Mass. The church is a spiritual entity--the Body of Christ--and its members are united to Christ and to each other by the Holy Spirit. Physical gatherings are a tangible expression of that spiritual reality but they are not the only expression as we are discovering. The church can be the church without assuming a particular form.
After Coronavirus, What Will the Church Be Remembered for?

In this season, when you’re tempted to isolate emotionally and spiritually as well as physically, it’s important to move forward in faith, not backward in fear. Christian witnesses throughout history have been known for hope, faith, and self-sacrifice, following a Savior who ran toward tragedy and pain, not away from it. Read More

 6 Ways the Pandemic Has Been Good for Your Ministry

We find several troubling negative aspects of our COVID-19 quarantine, but what about the positive aspects? There is a silver lining for both families and ministries during our period of sequester, plus a few tips along the way. Read More

11 Pastoral Thoughts on Celebrating Mother's Day

This coming Sunday, many of us will celebrate Mother’s Day in our church—even if we do so via electronic means. If your church is planning to honor mothers, here are some pastoral thoughts to keep in mind.... Read More

6 Conversations to Have with Your Ministry Volunteers

What kinds of conversations might you have now with your volunteers? What are they wanting to hear and know? Perhaps some of the conversation starters below will be helpful to you. Read More

Pastoring ‘Difficult’ People

Anyone who has been involved in pastoral ministry for any length of time will know the frustration of having to deal with ‘difficult’ people. In fact, for some pastors, their long-term survival in pastoral ministry depends on whether they can learn to cope with the emotional drain caused by difficult people in their congregation. Read More

What Makes a Sermon Difficult To Listen To

Recently, and largely for my own purposes, I found myself thinking about some of the elements that can make a sermon difficult to listen to. Having jotted them down, I thought I’d share them with you. Read More
A preacher whose sermons are difficult to listen to will not fare well online. If a online preacher does not engage his listeners from the outset, he will be preaching to empty cyberspace.
6 Ways to Use Your Pastor’s Sermons for Online Small Groups

Many of our Small Groups have experienced much change (and so quickly) in the recent weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While some of you may have a love-hate relationship with technology, it sure is proving to be a blessing in these days and times. Our online Small Groups can connect and “see” one another virtually, using various online platforms. While there are many different studies available for online Small Groups to use, this is also a great opportunity for you to use your pastor’s sermon, and find ways incorporate it into your Online Small Groups. Read More

How Should I Engage Unbelievers in Conversations About God? [Video; Transcript]

Taylor Turkington and Rebecca McLaughlin discuss ways to engage unbelievers in conversations about God. Watch Now

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