
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Thursday's Catch: The Dilemma of Gathering Again and More

7 Things to Consider Before Reopening Your Church

I wrote previously about some of the positives I see coming for the church from the pandemic. Also, I listed three questions the church needs to be asking as we head back into our new realities. As I’ve continued studying where we are as a church and what our next steps are, I think we have some unique challenges as we head toward reopening your church. Read More

Thinking through the Dilemma of Gathering Again [Podcast]

Jonathan Leeman chats with Michael Lawrence, the senior pastor of Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon, about the dilemma of our churches gathering again. How can we do so safely? How can we do so in ways that don’t compromise our witness? Watch Now

5 Questions to Determine the Needs of Your Scattered Congregation

Jesus never intended for the pastor to meet all the needs (even all the spiritual needs) in a local congregation. Here are five open-ended questions to help pastors, deacons, and small group leaders start important conversations around real needs to equip your church to meet those needs together. Read More

Planting a Church in Uncertain Times [Podcast]

How does this time of self-isolation affect newer church plants? How do we pastor churches living in societal exile? What happens to the command to go make disciples when our going is severely limited? Listen Now

7 Ways Your Church Can Honor Moms While Socially Distanced

Here are a few ideas for how your church can make mothers feel special this year even if they aren’t seated in your pews. Read More

Wise Christian Leadership in the Flux of COVID-19

What does wise leadership look like in this season? Here are five questions to reflect on during this season.... Read More

Pastoring a Four-Member Church during a Post-Pandemic Era [Podcast]

During this time as we look toward the post-pandemic era, an interesting development has occurred in the life of our friend, Mark Clifton. He is currently being considered as pastor of a 3-member church. Listen in as he shares his unique strategy as he steps into this new opportunity. Listen Now

3 Tips and Webinar to Make Your Virtual Preaching More Persuasive

We pastors have been thrust into a new world as the COVID-19 virus has shut down public worship services all around the world. We’ve all scrambled to assemble the needed equipment, web services, and routines to prerecord (or live feed) our services and sermons. And with the great uncertainty of a second wave coming and our governments’ slow lifting of restrictions for large group meetings, virtual preaching is here to stay. Whatever the future holds, prevailing churches will have to maintain a strong virtual presence. And prevailing pastors will need to adjust their preaching because preaching to a camera involves communication dynamics that differ from preaching to a live audience. In this article I suggest three general guidelines to make your virtual preaching more persuasive. Read More

Why People in Your Church Don’t Evangelize — And One Really Important Thing to Do About It

Pastor, when it comes to helping your people in their evangelism, patiently and faithfully encourage them! Read More

COVID-19 Shouldn't Stop Evangelism But May Change It

Although we likely won’t be entertaining strangers and visitors in our homes during these days the way Paul did during his imprisonment, we should remind ourselves and be encouraged that we possess technological tools today that weren’t available to Paul in his day. These everyday devices and gadgets we own provide us an open door to share the gospel today, as well as create for our churches an effective launching pad to increase our evangelistic efforts whenever things return to normal. Read More

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