
Thursday, June 04, 2020

Spacing Recommendation from Church Answers’ Webinar—10 Feet, not 6 (or 3 meters, not 2)

I watched the Church Answer’s webinar, “Critical Questions as Members Return: The Final COVID-19 Check Up” earlier today. You can view a video replay of the webinar on the Church Answers website. During the webinar Thom Rainer recommended that households groups should be seated with a distance of 10 feet (3 meters) in all directions from each other. 10 feet (3 meters) is more in line with the distance which researchers found that droplets could travel from a cough or sneeze. They found that droplets could travel as far as 16 feet but became more dispersed as they traveled. The droplets might linger in the air for several minutes so that a person could become infected with the virus even though the person who had coughed or sneezed had left the room. Watch Video Replay

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