
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday's Catch: The Church Reopening Divide and More

Made Right by Christ, NOT by Your Church’s Re-opening Plans

When church gatherings should resume, and the timing of when church gatherings should resume is becoming more and more a divisive conversation. Read More

Emerging from Groundhog Day

Looking back, if we had it to do over again, how would we have handled the quarantine differently? Read More

Redefining Our Multisite Churches During the Pandemic

While the megachurch trend has begun to wane, the multisite model has been exploding. This is a testament to the effect that the “Three C’s”: healthy church Culture, a Compelling vision, and an effective Communicator can have on winning souls, developing disciples and expanding the body of Christ. In March of 2019 we birthed Kingdom.... Read More

5 Surprising Aspects of Spiritually Health Churches

What will help my church be as spiritually healthy as possible? Read More

9 Reasons Many Churches Operate in Their Own Power

It seems to me that many churches operate more in their own ability than they do in God’s power. The evidence, particularly of North American churches, is that we’re not making much difference in reaching non-believers and driving back the darkness. Here are some reasons we operate in our own strength.... Read More

Christian Giving Rebounds to Pre-Pandemic Levels

Most evangelical churches and ministries tightened budgets yet saw steady donations this spring. Read More
This development church leaders need to watch closely before drawing any hard and fast conclusions. Declining and dying churches also report upticks in giving as they loose members by attrition. The remaining members give more in an effort to keep the church going.
Does the Condition of Your Church Facility Matter to Guests?

Have you ever walked into a highly-recommended restaurant, full of anticipation and excitement, to then be turned off by the lack of care of the facility? Read More

Can a Christian be Cursed?

What does the Bible teach about curses? Can Christians be cursed? And how should a believer live in the light of witchcraft, which is prevalent across Africa? Read More

Christianity’s Greatest Scandal: Also Its Greatest Validation?

Every single Christian is a hypocrite—is the whole basis for our Christian faith...Being a religion of grace, Christianity doesn’t have much to say to people, whether religious or secular, who build their lives and identities upon the idea of being good and virtuous. Read More
The criticism of Christians that I hear from university students is that many of the Christians that they know are not living according to the teachings of the One whom they call Lord. They are indistinguishable from non-Christians except for their church attendance. In other words, their faith is not making any difference in their lives. This criticism, whether or not we like it, may be a valid one. Some university students will go as far as seducing young Christian women, seeing their sexual conquest of these young woman as validation of this criticism.
Generation Alpha...Get to Know Them

Move over Gen Z, the next generation after you has arrived. Read More
They will also be the first generation shaped by the COVID-19 era.
How to Pray for Your Kids This Summer

Sam Crabtree offers a number of suggestions for praying for children this summer. Read More

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