
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Encouraging Global Christianity Trends and More

"The fields are ripe for harvest...."

10 Encouraging Trends of Global Christianity in 2020

There are significant and noteworthy trends of Christianity happening around the world right now, according to the latest Status of Global Christianity report from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Read More

Politics as a Strange Rite

Even Jesus was tempted with political power. Read More

Your Weird, Messy Church Is God's Plan A

God is prioritizing broken people from broken situations to be His chosen emissaries to a broken world. Read More

Tis the Season to Assume

I believe as we begin to come out of the haze and fog of this Corona Virus, one of the words that may not be talked about often, but needs to be in the forefront of our minds, is the word “assumption”. Read More
Sometimes I think that our brains are wired to make not only assumptions but the wrong ones.
Preach a Double-Edged Sermon

The message you prepare for your congregation is also meant for you. Read More

Online Small Group Discussion Template

While many aspects of facilitating a small group will be transferable to the online interface, I would recommend tweaking the format from a traditional small group discussion. Read More

Are You Making These 3 Mistakes with your Church Management Software?

While talking with our clients over the years, they have described three main mistakes they have made with their Church Management Software. Read More

Outreach Idea: Job Hunting Classes

Maybe it’s time to consider creating an outreach specifically designed to help your church members with job hunting. Read More
If you are just helping the members of your church, it is not really outreach. It is member retention. If you are also helping other members of your community, then it is outreach.

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