
Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday's Catch: Findings of LifeWay Research on Church Regathering and More

Study: Churches Gathering Again But With Precautions

Churches are gathering again, but services and programs remain drastically different from the beginning of the year. Read More
What struck me about his article is that the precautionary measures churches are implementing are woefully inadequate. They do not reflect our current knowledge of how the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads and what are the most appropriate measures to contain or slow its spread. Churches, however, have been hampered in their efforts by a lack of reliable, up-to-date information and resistance to the implementation of precautionary measures from a small but vocal segment of the population, Christian and secular.

The CDC has repeatedly bowed to pressures from the White House and released diluted, unhelpful guidance. Its most recent recommendation that schools should be opened even though new COVID-19 cases are surging across the United States and the latest research findings are that older school age children--10 years of age and older--spread the virus as much as adults and even more so in their own households. This research has not ruled out younger children as vectors of the disease.

A growing body of evidence points to the airborne transmission of the virus. Poor ventilation and singing and loud talking have been implicated in its spread. So have virus particles shed by infected individuals in their urine and feces. The mechanical ventilation used in church buildings often recirculates the air rather exhausting stale air and replacing it with fresh air. Church restrooms are ideal settings for the airborne transmission of the virus.
Governor Asks Kentucky Council of Churches Congregations to Temporarily Suspend In-Person Services

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has asked the 1,100 congregations represented by the Kentucky Council of Churches to forgo in-person services for two weekends due to the a surge in COVID-19 cases in the state, said council President Kent Gilbert. “This is not an executive order from the governor. It’s a request,” said Gilbert, who also is pastor of the historic Union Church in downtown Berea. On Friday, Gilbert said Beshear made the request Wednesday to the council’s judicatory leadership during his weekly check-in with the group. Read More
Subscription may be required. The Lexington Herald Leader has several options. I use the Facebook option.
Murray Faith Leaders Call For Unity Amid Division Over Pandemic Health Measures

Murray faith leaders are creating a video for social media calling for unity and empathy amid divisions over COVID-19 safety measures including face masks. Read More
This article was posted on the local public radio website. The idea that brought Murray's faith leaders together is a good one. Both in Kentucky and elsewhere in the United States a number of politicians and church leaders have been promoting opposition to the public health measures that state and local governments are implementing to contain or slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily motivated by a desire to draw attention to themselves and to make a name for themselves despite the religious overtones of their rhetoric. In Kentucky the State Attorney General and Agricultural Commissioner's opposition is quite clearly motivated by a desire to increases their chances of election to higher political office. It is a breath of fresh air to hear that the community's faith leaders are planning a call for unity and empathy amid the divisions over these public health measures.
Into This World, God sent a Savior

Joe McKeever helps put the incarnation of Christ into context. Read More

5 Signs Sin Has a Powerful Grip on Your Life

As believers, we struggle against sin and temptation. There will never be a time in our lives when we will not be striving against it. However, fighting against sin is one thing; sin having control is quite another. Sin can quickly gain power in our lives if we are not diligent. This is why John Owen said, ‘Be killing sin, or it will be killing you.” In his book, The Mortification of Sin, Owen does us an excellent service by providing us with five signs that sin has a stronghold on us. Take a minute to look through the following list. If you recognize any of these patterns in your life, be sure that you are in a dangerous condition of sin. Read More

Lukewarm Faith Shrinks as More Say Religion Is ‘Very Important’ or ‘Not at All’

Pew: Of 34 nationalities, Americans have declined the most in connecting belief in God to morality. Read More

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