
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Making the Best of the New Normal and More

Optimizing Online Services Without Cannibalizing In-Person Services

I keep hearing people say, “When it is back to normal …” Well, that ship has sailed. Even when it is “back to normal,” it will never be the same again. It will be a new normal. Church as we know it is over. The debate about online church is over. Online won. Read More

Supreme Court Rejects Nevada Church’s Appeal to Reopen Like Casinos

A sharply divided US Supreme Court denied a rural Nevada church’s request late Friday to strike down as unconstitutional a 50-person cap on worship services as part of the state’s ongoing response to the coronavirus. Read More
Also see, Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Coronavirus Limits on Church Services
Sex Offenders Can Find Hope in Christ But Not Necessarily a Place at Church

Churches that suspended in-person gatherings during the pandemic have pledged not to welcome their congregations back until they’re sure they can be safe. While the risk of coronavirus spread is the major concern right now, LifeWay Christian Resources is urging leaders to use their reopening plans as a chance to also revisit their policies to prevent sexual abuse. Read More
Churches do need to prepare for the possibility that a sex offender may attend the church in order to gain access to children but they also need to be aware that most incidents of child sexual abuse do not involve a stranger but someone known to the child and to learn how to recognize the signs that a child may be being sexually abused at home. The sexual abuse perpetrator may be a respected, long-time member of the church. They should develop in consultation with the local child protection agency procedures for reporting suspected child sexual abuse.
Understanding the Roman Catholic ‘State of Grace’ 

Protestants and Roman Catholics often use the same words but understand them differently. Simon van Bruchem explains the difference between how Protestants and Roman Catholics understand grace. Read More

Making the Most of Time

Tyrone Barnette offers suggestions on how church leaders might use their time more wisely. Read More

My Church Fired Me as Pastor. Now What?

While there certainly are biblical and justifiable reasons for removing a pastor, what happens to those who are forced out or feel they have no choice but to step down? How should he think? What should he do? If this is you, here are five lessons I learned from being fired for what I see as wrong reasons. Read More

5 Ways to Get People to Pay Attention to Your Sermons

One of the most disconcerting feelings we pastors experience is when we prepare a sermon and pour our heart into it, yet feel that it didn’t make a difference in people’s lives. It’s equally frustrating when we preach to see somebody tuning us out. What can we do to help people pay more attention to our sermons? For when they do, there’s a greater chance what we say will stick in their minds to give the Holy Spirit time to ultimately change their hearts. Here are some neuroscience-based tips. Read More

5 Ways God Might Be Displeased with Your Worship

Adriel Sanchez looks at 5 ways that a church's worship gatherings might be displeasing to God. Read More

The Power of Your Personal Story

One of the most effective tools in your “spiritual tool box” is your personal testimony. You are an expert on your own story. You may not be an apologist, you may not be a theologian, you may not be a Bible scholar, but you are an expert on you. Read More

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