
Saturday, August 08, 2020

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Saturday Evening (August 8, 2020)

I have posted All Hallows Evening Prayer for Saturday Evening (August 8, 2020) on the All Hallows Murray weblog.

The order of service is taken from The Book of Alternative Services (1985).

The Phos hilaron is Stephen Sturk’s choral arrangement (SATB) of “O Gracious Light” from The Book of Common Prayer (1979).

The evening penitential psalm is Will Chiles’ choral arrangement (SATB) of Psalm 141, “O God, My Lord, on Thee I Call” from the Bay Psalm Book (1640).

The variable psalm is Roger Holtz and Jane Terwillinger’s responsorial setting of Psalm 8, “O Lord, Our God, How Wonderful.”

The reading is Romans 10: 5-15.

The homily is titled “Beautiful Feet.” The thrust of the homily is that all Christians share a common calling to proclaim Jesus in word and deed.

The gospel canticle is Chaz Bower’s choral arrangement (SATB) of “My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness, Lord” from With One Voice (1995). "My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness, Lord” is based upon the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-56)—Mary’s Song of Praise and is set to the traditional English melody KINGSFOLD.

The Intercessions are taken from Ecumenical Services of Prayer: Consultation on Common Texts (1983).

The dismissal hymn is Delores Dufner’s hymn, “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve.” The hymn tune is AZMON. “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve” may also be sung to RICHMOND (Haweis), also known as CHESTERFIELD, and LAND OF REST.

The blessing is adapted from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006).

The link to the service is

Please feel free to share this link with anyone whom you believe may benefit from the service.

I hope that the service is a blessing to you and those with whom you share the link and provides a prayerful beginning to your Sunday.

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