
Saturday, August 08, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Team Goal Crushing and More

5 Reasons Your Team Isn't Crushing Their Goals

Church buildings are closed or at limited capacity, organizations are having to change strategy constantly, and you’re leading in a world you never thought you would lead.As a result, many teams feel disoriented, which makes missing targets or objectives even more likely. And speaking of targets and objectives, how do you even know what to shoot for in an environment as confusing as the environment right now? All of these are great questions, and fortunately there are answers. After leading teams for over two decades, here are five possible reasons your team isn’t crushing their goals. Read More

Leading a Whiteboard Session with Your Staff or Church Leaders

By now, you’ve heard the call to capture the opportunity of a blank slate. The current pandemic is prompting every church to reconsider approaches to ministry. Practically, how do you start this process? Read More

Push, Pull, and Changing Jobs in the Middle of a Pandemic

The absolute best counsel I have received on transitioning from one role to another comes from Brad Waggoner. Brad was one of my professors in seminary, and later I reported to him as he was Chief Operating Officer at LifeWay. Through those seasons, he was a mentor who I respected a great deal. I still do. According to Brad, whenever you consider a job transition, it is wise to consider “the push” and “the pull.” Read More

5 COVID-19 Problems That Worsened for Pastors This Summer

As the nation confronts a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, several issues have become problematic for more churches since spring. The latest round of LifeWay Research studies on the coronavirus’ impact on churches and pastors identified at least five struggles that became more pronounced since April. Read More

Why Are People Ghosting Online Small Groups?

People are ghosting online small groups in an alarming rate. Typically, when people sign up for a small group, we expect a certain number to not show up. That’s just how things are in small group world. At the church my family attends, people just choose a group from the website. The problem is what happens next. Read More
I have been involved in in-person small group ministry for a number of years. This problem is not unique to online small groups.
What Type of Online Group is Right for You?

When you think about types of online groups, you actually need to consider two questions: Why is the group meeting? and How will the group meet? Let’s look at both. Read More

3 Tips on Reaching Your Cross-Cultural Neighbors from a Social Distance

God, in His goodness, has been bringing the nations to us. He’s given us gospel work to do right where we are—even in a pandemic. You may have missed your summer mission trip to Africa, but you still may have the opportunity to engage the Gambian ex-pat living in your neighborhood. Even in a global pandemic, you can find creative ways to reach the nations near you. Read More

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