
Friday, August 14, 2020

All Hallows Evening Service for Saturday Evening (August 15, 2020) Now Online

Traditionally the celebration of the Lord’s Day begins at sunset on Saturday evening and ends at sunset on Sunday evening. A service of Evening Prayer, or Vespers, at dusk when the sun goes down, the shadows grow long, and the first stars appear is a wonderfully prayerful way of beginning our celebration of the Lord’s Day. All Hallows Evening Prayer offers such a beginning to your Lord’s Day celebration.

The order of service is based upon the order of service for the Divine Office in the Anglican Church of Canada’s The Book of Alternative Services (1985). It was selected for its simplicity, brevity, and adaptability—essential characteristics for an in-person or online service in the COVID-19 era.

Each service opens with an invocation, the Phos Hilaron, and a thanksgiving. Each service includes an penitential psalm—Psalm 141, a variable psalm, a Scripture reading, a homily, the Magnificat, prayers of intercession, free prayer, a collect, and the Lord’s Prayer. Each service concludes with a dismissal hymn, the Benedicamus, and a blessing.

Candles may be lit at the beginning of the service and incense may be burned during the singing of Psalm 141. The sign of the cross is customarily made at the beginning of the Magnificat in some traditions. The blessing may be given by a deacon or a lay person.

Each service is built around a theme. The hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs are selected for their appropriateness to the evening or the theme of the service. They are taken from a variety of sources and traditions and the choral arrangements are in most instances well within the abilities of a small choir or schola cantorum. The number of songs used has been intentionally limited so as to familiarize those using the services with them.

The order of service for Saturday evening is as follows:

Phos Hilaron: “O Gladsome Light” arr. Stephen Sturk

Psalm 141: “Like Burning Incense, O Lord” arr. Tony Alonso

Psalm 139: “O God, You Search Me, and You Know Me” Bernadette Farrell

Reading: Matthew 15: 1-20

Homily: Guard Your Heart

Magnificat: “My Soul proclaims Your Greatness, Lord” arr. Chaz Bower

Dismissal Hymn: “Lord Jesus, Think on Me” adapt. Gregory Wilbur

The link to the service is:

Please feel free to share this link with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

The link to the All Hallows Murray weblog for previous services is:

May the service be a blessing to you and those with whom you share the link. May it provide a prayerful beginning to your Lord's Day celebration.

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