
Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday's Catch: What Is Legalism? and More

What Exactly is Legalism? It’s More Complicated Than You Think

What exactly counts as legalism? How do we know it when we see it? The confusion is exacerbated by the fact that the term can be used in different ways. People can use the same word but infuse it with very different meanings. In hopes of dissipating a little of the fogginess, here’s a breakdown of different ways to understand legalism. Read More

7 Reasons an Unexpected Short Phone Call from a Pastor Can Be Encouraging

It doesn’t take long at all. Five minutes. Just a quick phone call from a pastor to a church member. When it’s unexpected, it can be especially encouraging. Here’s why this simple ministry activity matters.... Read More

How to CRAFT a Sermon

I don’t care what you call your preaching style, but our preaching should lead to life change. I’ve developed my sermon-preparation method around that goal. I call it the CRAFT method. Read More

A Bunch of Good Reasons To Saturate Your Worship Services in the Bible

Today I want to offer a few more reasons that churches should have tons of Bible in their worship services, and especially to have a skilled reader read a substantial portion as an element that stands on its own. These reasons are not as directly and obviously drawn from the Bible, but are drawn from my experience and the experience of other pastors. Read More

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