
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bishops' Ban on Individual Communion Cups Is Wrong, Say Top Lawyers

Leading lawyers have asserted that a ban by Church of England bishops on the use of individual communion cups for wine during the current pandemic is incorrect.

In a statement just released, six QCs and barristers say they believe "it is lawful to use individual cups" in services – despite the bishops declaring that even in the current health emergency they should not be used.

The hard-hitting legal opinion by the lawyers says: "The House of Bishops' present position – that the use of individual cups for distributing communion is illegal – is incorrect as a matter of law. There is no legal barrier to the use of individual cups. It follows that we believe it is lawful to use individual cups." Read More

Also See:
Can We Receive Both Bread and Wine during the Pandemic?
Receiving Communion in Individual Cups: Round Two

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